
The New

The New Fellowship

The aim of the New Fellowship is to show that better digital futures are possible and explore how get there. The fellowship will support people from across Europe who are creating digital tools, developing artistic projects or using other means to work towards just and fair digital futures.

The projects we fund

We are looking for teams or individuals who envision futures in which new technologies improve the lives of all people and foster equity throughout society. The New Fellowship supports the creation of artworks, stories, concepts and tools that help us imagine and work towards digital futures that are inclusive. To this end, we explicitly encourage applications by people who are underrepresented in tech and are less likely to receive support for their project (e.g. for reasons of race, disability, class or gender). Through their projects, New Fellows will envision what future technologies can look like and create tools to help us challenge existing patterns and embrace diversity.

What kinds of support does The New Fellowship offer?

Each New Fellow will receive a stipend of approximately €6,000. The stipend will support the fellow in working on their projects and artworks. to give them the freedom they need to push their project further. Each fellow will also get access to tailored coaching and mentoring

The New Fellowship aims to:

  • Develop visionary ideas for inclusive and just digital futures that center on societal challenges and questions rather than technology alone.
  • Increase the visibility and representation of underrepresented groups and women in discussions about digital technology.
  • Link up, and enrich, discussions around diversity, inclusion, intersectionality and tech.
  • Contribute to a European tech and society ecosystem that is anchored by values of collaboration, fairness and equity.

The New Fellowship program is the starting point for The New New – join us on this exciting journey!


On this page we answer questions about the fellowship and the application process. Your question is not on the list? Please drop us an email:

Who can apply?

You can apply to become a New Fellow if you live in a Council of Europe member state. You must be 18 years or older.

What you can expect from the fellowship?

As a fellow you will become part of Superrr and the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s networks. We will support you throughout the fellowship with a stipend, professional coaching and mentoring, as well as travel (if the COVID-19 situation allows). We will help you and your project to gain visibility.

As a fellow you will receive:

  • A €6,000 stipend paid over a 6 month period. With this stipend we want to support you to work on the idea and project. The stipends will be covered by the Bertelsmann Stiftung.
  • Professional coaching and mentoring in the value of up to €2,000. Depending on your needs we will find you a professional coach who will work with you during the fellowship.
  • Media publicity to help you and your project gain visibility. We will set up media partnerships and get the word about your work out there!
  • Access to an international network of diversity and tech experts who are relevant for your work.

What is this fellowship about?

This fellowship is to support you in your work and your personal growth. The fellowship provides an atmosphere of respect, mutual learning and collaboration. The program’s approach is not one size fits all – rather, we strive for it to be a flexible vehicle that matches your needs as a fellow. We will work with each fellow individually to see what they want to work on and the support they need.

We expect fellows to support each other, freely exchange knowledge with other fellows and share their learnings.

How many fellowships are there?

We are currently planning to work with six fellows for the first round in 2021.

Which questions do I have to answer?

Whether you apply over the online form or via email, we ask you to answer the following questions:

  • What is your name?
  • What is your email address?
  • What is the name of your project?
  • Describe your project in 200 characters.
  • Does your project have a website or social media account? Then add the link here.
  • Your Vision: What future do you aspire? How do you work towards this future with your project? What role does technology play in this future? You have 500 characters.
  • Tell us about the communities you are working with and reaching out to with your project. You have 500 characters.
  • What do you plan to work on throughout the fellowship? Give us an overview of the different steps in your project. What will your output look like? Whom do you want to reach with it? You have 500 characters.
  • Tell us more about yourself: What motivates you to work on this project? What previous projects have you been working on? You have 500 characters.
  • Where are you based? It is sufficient to state the country you are most active in.

Do I have to apply in English?

We ask you to submit your application in English. Feel free to use a software or online tool to translate your application. We are aware that English is probably not your first language – for us the content is key.

If you have trouble translating your application please do reach out to us and we will find a solution.

What is the timeline of the fellowship?

Call for applications is open from November 25, 2020 until January 6, 2021 11:59 pm CET.

Candidates for the fellowship will be notified mid-February.

The fellowship starts in March 2021 and ends in August 2021. The exact dates are flexible and will be discussed with each fellow individually

How are the fellows selected?

The Advisory Board and The New New Team will select the fellows. Their decision will be based on criteria that will include feasibility, relevance of the topic, originality of the idea, and inclusion of the target audience.

Can I get feedback on my application?

Due to limited capacity, we will not be able to give feedback on individual applications.

When and why will The New New Team contact me?

We will notify fellowship candidates mid-February 2021. We will reach out to all applicants in early March.

If we have questions about your application, we will get in touch with you early in February 2021.

What projects are you looking for?

We believe you know best which ideas can move us towards more just and equitable digital futures, and we are excited to hear about them.

The following projects have inspired us in the past. We are, however, aware that most of them had more resources and we do not consider them as a standard:

  • Wheelmap is an online, worldwide map based on crowd-sourced data for marking and finding wheelchair accessible places.
  • The Oracle for transfeminist technologies is an analogue card deck inspired by Tarot cards which sparks playful discussions about technology and puts values at the center of tech debates.
  • The Museum of the Fossilized Internet is a physical and virtual museum from the future that celebrates a fossil-free internet and educates visitors about the climate footprint of our digital habits.

What ideas cannot be supported through the fellowship?

  • We do not support projects that are built for their intended audience. (Instead, we support projects which are built with their audience.)
  • Projects that don’t actively address justice and equity in the context of digital life or digital technology will not be supported by us.
  • Since the fellowship is run by non-profit organisations, we cannot support companies or entrepreneurs that are already commercially active.

Will I have to pay taxes on the fellowship grant?

Whether your fellowship will be taxed depends, for example, on your country of residence, your home country, your income and your work status (e.g. freelancer or employee). We advise you to consult a tax advisor.

What can I spend the money on?

The fellowship grant is a way to support your ongoing commitment to your cause. We trust that you know best how to spend it.

Can I apply with an existing project?

We encourage people to apply with projects they are already working on. Please state in your application what specific steps you plan to take during the fellowship, and how they will help your project move forward.

Who is the team behind this project?

The team behind this project are Carla Hustedt and Ralph Müller-Eiselt from the Ethics of Algorithms project at the Bertelsmann Stiftung, and Elisa Lindinger and Julia Kloiber from Superrr Lab.